
Prospect Academy academic standards will align with all Colorado State Standards for grades K-12, which are based on the Common Core State Standards. Care will be taken to select curricula that align to the Common Core State Standards, and these standards will be used as benchmarks for student performance. It is also important to note that with any curriculum we will follow students’ data and ensure fidelity of implementation If the data show positive outcomes, then we will continue. If the data show students are not where we expect them to be, we will analyze sources for improvement.
The curricula we have chosen thus far is based on evidence of its use at other schools like ours, as well as different research that has been done looking at the efficacy of the curriculum, or comparing the curriculum to other others in the same field. However, it is worth pointing out that educational research has only recently begun focusing on intervention (Gersten, Baker, & Lloyd, 2000) and prescribing to quality standards to which educational group design research should adhere (Gersten, Fuchs, Compton, Greenwood, Innocenti, 2005). Furthermore, no one curriculum is a “magic bullet” for any issue or student.
Most curricula that was chosen is as direct and multi-sensory as possible, but we will create these elements if needed so that teachers can more easily turn the material into a gradual release model (I Do, We Do You Do; further explained in the Instructional section). Using a gradual release model with our students helps us implement a more direct instruction approach, which we know is helpful for effective and efficient teaching (Fisher & Frey, 2007; Archer & Hughes, 2011). This modification will be done by school leadership (executive director, academic director, and teacher coaches), in conjunction with classroom teachers during Professional Development time.
Key Curricular Components Include:
Primary: Community-desired electives, AIM for Social Emotional Learning
Secondary: Integrated Math, community-desired electives, AIM for Social Emotional Learning
Elementary Level – Singapore Math, Reading Mastery, SRA Expressive Writing 1 and 2
Secondary Level – REWARDS Reading Program, REWARDS Writing Program