Prospect Academy is opened in the Fall 2022 and serves students in grades 4-8 with and without diagnosed learning differences.
Prospect Academy has a mission to educate students who learn differently or who have struggled in traditional school environments. Our goal is for all students to feel safe physically, mentally, and emotionally. We want to change the way students experience school. The learning experiences at Prospect will evoke positive, “can-do” feelings amongst and between our students instead of frustration, sadness, fear, or anger. In addition to cultivating a supportive academic and overall cultural environment, we address social-emotional and executive function skills systematically and comprehensively, with direct instruction, our daily support card, and smart practices across all environments. These all help students develop appropriate social and coping skills, which in turn help them better face any challenges.
Through the use of evidence-based practices, extensive research, and personal experience, we believe Learning Science, Precision Teaching, and our supportive environment will change the narrative for students and create positive associations with school and learning.
The core content to be taught is aligned to Colorado State Standards. The measurement system, instructional approach, class sizes (typically around 10-15 students in reading, math and writing classes), social-emotional support, positive behavior support systems, and explicit teaching of executive functioning and other skills needed by students with learning differences are what set the school apart from other options in the public school system.
Home School
Social Justice and Service Learning Program
Who: Children grades 5-12 who are homeschooled
When: One day/week
What: Leadership and social justice service learning program
Students will receive instruction on leadership and social justice and apply these lessons to their time at Prospect. They will be mentors and leaders while participating in Prospect's curriculum.
Will shadow a classroom schedule and assist teachers - and get to participate in Prospect electives, including science-based electives such as robotics, and arts-based electives like music (band/orchestra) and visual arts.
Will get the best of Prospect Academy's learning environment, including how to track and use their own learning data.
Will get experience working with children with different abilities.
Learning Science
Learning Science is a cornerstone of our philosophy and will help us create positive environments for all students, regardless of diagnosis. The philosophy and techniques of Learning Science work for all types of students, not just those with learning differences and are among the most effective and efficient practices currently available (Cooper, Heron, Heward, 2007; Trump et al, 2018).

Precision Teaching
Prospect Academy will use the innovative framework of Precision Teaching (PT). Through its use, students will gain fluency in their academic, behavioral, social emotional, and adaptive behavior skills. At Prospect Academy, we have a focus on the generalizability of academic, social-emotional, adaptive behavior, and life skills of students, as students’ abilities to use these skills across environments will have direct correlation to their success outside of the classroom and in the future. Using Precision Teaching and fluency-based instruction will help us take an important step towards ensuring that student skills generalize to many different environments.
Prospect Academy academic standards will align with all Colorado State Standards for grades K-12, which are based on the Common Core State Standards.
We have chosen curricula based on evidence of use at other schools like ours, as well as different research looking at the efficacy of the curriculum.
We plan to use a variety of curricula for each subject; this will help us serve students more effectively than relying on only one option.

Counseling Program
Prospect Academy will have mental health support and counseling to help students grow their self-regulation skills, emotional awareness and expression, healthy self-esteem. Our counseling staff will be able to provide individual and group counseling to our students who need mental health support. Additionally, they will help create behavioral support plans for use in the classroom, provide in-the-moment support to students as needed and engage school staff in mental health education and preventative training to support the overall wellbeing and success of our students.